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Smokenders Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 12 reviews)
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The best ever!!

September 11, 2024

I tried quitting so many, many times starting with cold turkey several times, hypnosis and other suggestions from other people. None of them worked. Finally, while working at a hospital, I knew a doctor and a physical therapist who went through the SMOKENDERS program (this was back in the 1970’s when participants had to physically attend meetings) and both succeeded. The next time the program was offered in my area I signed up, went to the meetings, and stopped smoking on August 19, 1975 and never smoked again. I can’t emphasize enough how grateful I am for what SMOKENDERS did for me. Thank you so, so much.

Tom F.

27 years and counting

June 21, 2024

I attended Smokenders in the summer of 1994. I have not had a cigarette since. It works so well that I have never even had to avoid being around smokers. The urge to have a cigarette is simply not there. Attending Smokenders is one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. If I can do it, so can you!

Lyz J.

Been smoke free since 11/11/1977

January 21, 2024

This program really works. I’d be wealthy if I had banked the $$$ I’ve saved since stopping.

Karen C.

I quit in 1978. Haven’t had a cigarette since.

May 19, 2023

I had been smoking for 20 years. By the fall of 1978, my kids were constantly bugging me to quit, my wife wasn’t a smoker, and I was up to about 3 packs a day and not feeling very good. Donna and I were at the mall one night shopping and I happened to see a sign for an outfit called Smokenders. They were having a meeting downstairs in about 10 minutes. I hate to shop so usually I would go off by myself and look at Radio Shack or something and let Donna do her thing. I told her I’d meet her in an hour or so and she was fine with that.

I went to the meeting and thought that this was something I could do. It was expensive, though, $250 for a five or six-week program. Their slogan was “Smoke all you want.” But they said you would be off cigarettes by the end of the program if you stuck to it. They would allow you to pay fifty bucks a week so I could manage it – I had to.

You could “smoke all you want” – but there were rules. I think my first week I smoked something like 475 cigarettes. By the end I was down to about 5 in a week. I quit forever on November 10, 1978, My eldest daughter’s golden birthday. I have had absolutely no craving for smoking since and that’s almost 43+ years now.

Don Q.

I quit through Smokenders in 1978.

April 5, 2023

I attended Smokenders after I read about it in the paper. Immediately after I enrolled I wanted to back out because I knew I would not be able to really quit. I was smoking 1-2 packs/day, attending college part time with a house full of 3 boys and my husband. The moderator of the first meeting knew exactly that I was thinking that as she was an ex-smoker herself. I decided to stay since I was able to continue smoking through the meetings and had put some money on the program fee. I enjoyed the program, attended the meetings and realized my desire to smoke was changing. My belief in realizing I could actually quit seemed in my reach! I did my homework, followed the program leadership and still had doubts but forged ahead. I was so proud of my determination. By the end of the program, after smoking my last cigarette….I was done. I had conquered my smoking addiction. I have never looked back. In the last 43 years I have thought about cigarettes on 2 random occasions for few seconds…thought, not craved. I smiled at those thoughts! I have had many successes in my life…scholarships, leadership accomplishments, career highs, wonderful family life…Quitting smoking is my greatest accomplishment….it is what I am most proud of ( my kids are not in this category!) I sometimes dream I have resumed smoking and wake up with such a feeling of disappointment and devastation….until I realized it was just a bad dream. If you work this program it will work for you. People said I could never quit cigarettes because I enjoyed them so much. I did enjoy them….but not smoking far surpasses that enjoyment! I’ll stop now….I should be in sales…

Kathy S.


January 21, 2023

Yesterday someone on Twitter was asking for a way to help her daughter quit smoking. I told her about my successful experience with SMOKENDERS, having quit on November 1, 1979. I haven’t seen anything about your program all these decades (though I’ve often told others about how it helped me), didn’t realize you were still around, but I just Googled you and here you are! Your program saved my life. Never picked up another cigarette. I’m going to try to find the list and let her know you’re still around, and I hope she and her daughter will look into it.

Kathy B

Wonderful Program

October 21, 2022

I’m 80 years old. I smoked two packs a day for 22 years and had tried to quit many times. Several times I would be off the cigs for a couple months but the desire remained strong and I always returned to smoking. Along with some other co-workers, I signed up for the Smokenders when it was offered, with a copay, by our company. I completed the Program 42 years ago and I’ve never had the desire to have a cig. In fact, I can’t stand cigarette smoke. The process was painless, almost easy. Without Smokenders I believe I’d be dead by now.

Bruce P.

Feeling so free!

January 21, 2022

I am looking forward to celebrating my 42nd birthday as an ex-smoker! I feel so free since I completed the Smokenders course

Jenny M.

I didn’t even think I could quit, then I did!!!

November 21, 2021

My daughter asked me to quit. I didn’t even think I could , and frankly didn’t want to quit. The program was so amazing ! I actually learned how to not smoke. It really didn’t even feel that hard because of the way the program is designed. I quit in 1987, and I’ve never had a cigarette since! 34 years later, I’m still proud of myself!!

Erin S.

Proud to quit

April 21, 2021

I am more proud of quitting smoking than almost anything else I have done! Thank you Smokenders!

Barry M.


January 21, 2020

After smoking 2 packs per day for 25 years, I quit using Smokenders. As a professional who has spent his life studying and treating addictions, I remain impressed by the soundness and ingenuity of Smokenders

Dr K.


January 21, 2019

Excellent and simple method. I quit on Nov 11, 1977. Haven’t even wanted a cigarette since I stubbed out the last one.

Karin C