We Guarantee You Can Quit

Here is How Our Money-Back Guarantee Works

Smokenders Guarantee

We guarantee that you can quit smoking, or our course doesn’t cost you a thing! Here is how it works.

Do Your Part

It takes Commitment to be successful at quitting. Not only a commitment in tuition and time, but also a strong desire to be serious about quitting smoking. That said, this course is motivational in nature and, if you give us just an ounce of "I want to quit", we'll help you move mountains!

Take the Whole Course

Watch all of the lessons of the course to their completion, perform the simple daily exercises, do the required assignments, and have some fun along the way!

We Win When You Win

Your commitment to quitting is more firm once you have paid your tuition in advance; this ensures that you are serious about quitting, but we don't earn your money until you are successful. We all know that the tuition amount is relatively minor when compared to your future cost of continuing to smoke, but it is enough to help you maintain your commitment to quitting.

Money Back Guarantee

Your commitment to quitting is more firm once you have paid your tuition in advance; this ensures that you are serious about quitting, but we don't earn your money until you are successful. We all know that the tuition amount is relatively minor when compared to your future cost of continuing to smoke, but it is enough to help you maintain your commitment to quitting.

Developed by Smokers for Smokers

With a Very Different Approach

We will actually insist that you continue to smoke, as much as you like, while you learn how to quit.

To abruptly quit without knowing how, has a 97% chance of just being yet another failed cold-turkey attempt.

You don’t want to do this to yourself.


In a structured way, we will guide you, step-by-step along a proven path to quitting smoking, calmly and comfortably.

No other program teaches you in this very effective manner and our results reflect that difference!

Proven to Work

With more than a million graduates over 52 years, and with the highest efficacy rate in the industry,
SMOKENDERS has proven itself to be the most effective smoking cessation program of its type in the world!

Commit to Breaking the Habit Today…

Quit Smoking Without Pharmaceuticals With Smokenders

See For Yourself...

How Smokenders Can Work For You

Cold Turkey
Patches, Gum, & Pharmaceuticals

We Support You Every Step of the Way

Weekly Video Lessons

Each week, you will view 30-45 minutes of videos on your desktop, laptop, tablet or phone. Click "Enroll Today" below to learn more.

Daily Action Steps

You will be provided simple Action Steps to do each day to help break certain habits and to create new and healthier ones. The list of daily Action Steps take no more than 10 minutes daily to perform.

Support All of the Way

You will be enrolled in our private Facebook Group for interaction with other students and you will receive daily supportive emails tied to the course materials of that day of the course.

Read Real Reviews for...

Your Trusted Partner to Quit Smoking

Expert Approved

 “After smoking 2 packs per day for 25 years, I quit using Smokenders. As a professional who has spent his life studying and treating addictions, I remain impressed by the soundness and ingenuity of Smokenders”

Herbet Kieber, M.D.
Enjoying Freedom from Smoking

“I am looking forward to celebrating my 42nd birthday as an ex-smoker! I feel so free since I completed the Smokenders course”

J. Messina in Meridian, CT
A Graduate You May Recognize

 “I am more proud of quitting smoking than almost anything else I have done!

Thank you Smokenders!”

Barry Manilow, Our Most Famous Graduate